Diagnosis is essential, even for your Christian calling!

About 7 years ago, every 3 or 4 weeks, I would get a sore throat or upper respiratory infection. Immediately after recovering from one illness, I would get another one. My PCP told me I needed to have a tonsillectomy. I disagreed, because my tonsils rarely got inflamed. So I switched to a different PCP, who referred me to an allergist. And sure enough, I was strongly allergic to dust mites and grasses, which are absolutely everywhere! That diagnosis led to allergy shots and allergy medications. And now, upper respiratory infections are almost a thing of the past.

The correct diagnosis is an absolutely essential pre-requisite for successful medical treatment!

Well, guess what? Diagnosis is just as essential for our life calling as it is for our physical health! What if you could do a “life calling check-up”?

Deep inside your heart, do you know God has a purpose for you, but you can’t seem to get traction? Maybe you know your calling, but you’ve stalled. Or maybe you can’t even get a glimpse of God’s uniquely created purpose for your life.

I have designed a 3-part life calling assessment. The 3 parts are:

  1. EVALUATE which areas of your life calling are going well, and which ones are challenging.
  2. INVESTIGATE God’s perspective, and other resources related to your life calling, that will help you move forward.
  3. CELEBRATE what God is already doing in and through you, and what He will do in the future.
    This assessment is short, just two pages. But it can be a powerful tool for diagnosing what’s great and what’s challenging about God’s calling on your life. And that, in turn, can give you more clarity about your next steps.

Click here to download your FREE copy.

April 20, 2016
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