Get Clarity for Your Christian Calling

Discover Where You Are and Where You're Going
(Especially at Age 50+)

"As a life coach, R.J. exemplifies the same high level of spiritual maturity, quick mind, and commitment to excellence that she displayed on Crossroads Church's staff. She is passionate about helping people find and follow their calling. When I was processing significant questions about my next season in ministry, I turned to R.J. and I’m so glad I did. The Lord used her coaching to bring me much-needed perspective on where I was and greater clarity on where I’m going. I’m delighted to recommend R.J. to you."

Dr. Steve Cordle

"R.J. helped me explore God’s purpose for transitioning into retirement. I discovered that all of my life experiences—positive and negative—had value and shaped me into who I am today. God’s plans are even greater than I imagined. I now enjoy an exciting and fulfilled retirement lifestyle. R.J., you are a blessing! Through coaching, God changed my life forever!"


Retired Leader
Federal Government Agency

"I needed to make some long-term decisions about my life and ministry. What I appreciated the most was that R.J. didn’t tell me what I needed to do; instead, she guided me with insightful questions that led me to understand how my past, gifting, interests, and experiences connect with God’s plan for my life. I highly recommend R.J. for coaching."

James Roberts

Do you long to find and fulfill your Christian Calling?

Regardless of your age or life circumstances, God has a unique calling for you.  In fact, the most fruitful time of Christian calling often happens in middle and senior adulthood!

Does one of the following statements describe you?

  • I have never known what my uniquely created Christian calling is.
  • My calling is changing because of retirement, job change, health change, other changes, or even restlessness.
  •  I know my calling, but I need more clarity, confidence, and strategy.

Are you in a Christian Calling Valley?

Research shows that Christians experience three predictable mountaintops and three predictable valleys during a lifetime of living their Christian Calling. (The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus)

During the mountaintops of your calling, God opens doors for impact and builds your skills and experiences. Life calling feels good, productive, and exciting.

During the valleys of your calling, everything grinds to an agonizing halt as God develops your character and identity. Life feels hard, stuck, and messy.

EVERY Christ follower experiences calling valleys! You don’t hear much about them because nobody wants to talk about them! But they propel us into maximum personal joy and Kingdom impact.

I have been where you are.

In my Christian calling, I have had wonderful mountaintop times of progress and impact. But like you, I also experienced faith-wrenching valleys when I feared that my life-long dream to impact the world for Christ in specific ways was just a self-centered pipe dream.

At various times, I have been a college chemistry professor, a pastor, and now a Certified Professional Life Coach. But those roles are only half the story of my Christian calling. Those were the doing parts of my calling. There’s a whole other being part of my calling that God continually grows inside me.

Your doing-calling comes from your uniquely created being-calling.

You are always YOU. But the doing part of your Christian calling can change many times throughout life, depending on life circumstances and personal growth.

So you never have to worry that you might miss your calling because you can impact the world through who you are in many ways.

"After suffering ischemic strokes in 2009 and 2013, my life was drastically changed. As a speaker, advisor, and leader of men, I lost my confidence. R.J. listened and offered information to help my understanding. After working with R.J., I have clarity and confidence. I would recommend R.J. for anyone who wants to move forward."

Dr. Nate Brooks

Nate Brooks Consultant
Nate Brooks, Inc.

"I thought I came to R.J. to help me find my calling. Little did I know how she would help me heal from trauma and move out of a deep valley. Her insightfulness and encouragement helped me find a peace I’ve never known and move joyfully forward. All this while also finding my calling! Thank you, R.J."

Linda Lewis

Retired Personal Assistant
Energy Industry

1. Rekindle Hope for Your Calling

  • Replace discouraging calling myths with God's truth.
  • See God's Big Picture for your calling, and identify your current calling stage. 
  • Understand God's specific purposes for your current calling stage.

2. Become Who God Created You to Be

  • Learn how to experience God in transformationally new ways, no matter your age or how long you've been a Christian.
  • Hear, believe, and become who God says you are.

3. Do what God Created You to Do

  • Gain self-confidence for your calling.
  • Get God's clarity for your calling.
  • Take the next steps for your calling.
  • Surprise! Get specific encouragement and tools for your calling at age 50+

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

"Coaching with R.J. is an empowering journey. R.J. asks insightful questions that unlock ideas and concepts I would not have thought of on my own. I always walk away with something … an action step or a thought to process. With R.J., I start with questions and end with strategy. I highly recommend working with R.J."

"I never thought I needed a life coach, but after 34 years in technology, I was confused enough to try. What a great experience! I identified the mountaintops and valleys of my calling; leaned into my strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures; and became an encourager to kingdom-building entrepreneurs and other leaders."

Pat Roddy

Retired Software Exec & Church Op Dir. Currently supporting pastors through leadership challenges.

Affordable Pricing

$195 for three 50-minute coaching sessions per month (or $65 per session). No long-term contract.

Coaching fees are about 50% of the current market rate. Ministry is joyfully done for the glory of God.

"R.J. helped me refine and understand why I was feeling a lull in my current business and which direction to take in my career/business shift. She helped me clarify why I was doing what I was doing and shift to where I wanted to go."

Jonathan White

Accelerate Living Podcast

"A divorce and setbacks in my business left me rudderless, so I contacted R.J. The transformation in my thought processes enabled me to not simply start over, but begin again! It’s wonderful to have passion restored and spiritual focus and balance defined."

Jacki Lynn Baynks

Certified Color Consultant
Mary Kaye

Schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call

Find out more about coaching with R.J. to find and fulfill your NEW Christian Calling at age 50+. Connect via Phone or Zoom.

"I enjoy coaching with R.J. As a working mom of six, taking time to reflect on life is difficult. Through coaching, I see how God is working in my life. R.J. helps me learn to trust God’s timing—my faith continues to grow. I am so thankful for her encouragement and guidance. She helps me keep life in perspective."

Liz Lee

Business Consultant
Mother of Six

"R.J. was instrumental in helping me gain new insights into my calling journey as a leader. This clarity has helped me grow in my faith during what author Tony Stolzfus calls the Valley of Identity. If you’re wondering where God is leading and desiring to move forward with purpose and intention, I highly recommend R.J.!"

Julie Smith

Leadership and Health Coach
Julie Smith Coaching
