Challenge 44. Blog 22

My Example

Throughout my life, ever since childhood, I’ve believed God saved me and called me to make a difference for Him and with Him in this world. But also—paradoxically—I’ve repeatedly felt like I somehow missed my calling.

During my youth and college years, science fascinated me. But after earning a Ph.D. in chemistry, I discovered that the tedium of a lifetime of research in a very narrow sub-specialty suffocated me. Therefore, I lost the motivation and ability to persevere at medical research. However, God led me to a marvelous church where I learned a lot about the Bible and discipleship. In fact, I wished for a way to make a living at that instead of in science. For the first of many times in my life, I thought I’d missed my calling big-time, but I had no idea how to completely change course.

So I did the next best thing. I taught chemistry at the college level for 15 years. That was exciting at first, a better fit for me than scientific research, but still less impactful than my involvement in church and mission activities. For the second time, what I thought to be my calling lost its appeal, and again I worried I’d somehow missed God’s signals about my calling.

But then my desire for vocational Christian ministry was fulfilled when I became one of the pastors at Table Church (formerly Crossroads Church) in the Pittsburgh area. That was so much fun! God did wonderful things through my ministry, and I grew so much in my faith. I thought God had finally brought me into my true calling. But then my responsibilities changed, I didn’t handle stress well, and a big health crisis prompted me to resign. This time, I didn’t think I’d missed my calling. Worse, I thought I’d blown my calling. I thought I wasn’t good enough, strong enough, savvy enough, or obedient enough.

Now, I’m a life coach who specializes in helping people find and fulfill their Christian calling. I’ve discovered, through research, biblical studies, my own life, and my clients’ journeys, that it’s normal—even necessary—to go through Crises of Calling.

Can You Identify with This?

Below are some examples of how it feels when you think you might have missed your calling:

  • “I want more.” I’m seeing good results when I serve in God’s Kingdom. But I want more. Some aspects of what I’m doing now to make a difference for Christ are good, but I’m feeling less and less convinced that it’s a good fit.
  • “I feel like I’m slogging through mud.” I work hard and long at my calling, but I don’t see much results. It even feels like I’m going backward.
  • “I’ve really blown it.” I’ve made mistakes that make it hard to do what I believe God called me to do, i.e. I’ve neglected good health habits, gone into debt, blown up a relationship, sinned in a highly public or otherwise life-altering way, etc.
  • “I feel like my entire life has been an endless but fruitless search for my calling.” I’m not sure God will ever fulfill my dream of finding and fulfilling my Christian calling.

All of these Christian-calling scenarios evoke anxiety, fear, anger, and depression.

Why You Haven’t Completely Missed Your Calling

Definition: Christian calling means to become who God created you to be and do what He created you to do.

It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. (Ephesians 1:11)

Most people think that Christian calling is simply doing what God created us to do. Furthermore, they believe that God always has a specific thing in mind that He wants us to do, and if we get off track, we have forever missed our calling.

I don’t believe that. If God has only one way for me to fulfill my calling, and I purposely or accidentally get off track, then that messes up a bunch of other people’s callings too. It’s like, if God only has one person in mind for me to marry, and I marry the wrong person, then my intended husband also marries the wrong person, and the man I marry has married the wrong person, and God’s will can never be right for anyone on the planet ever again!

Also, Christian calling is not just what we do. It starts with who we are. Most importantly, God values and loves me, not just what I do for Him. My calling comes out of the fact that I am an individual created purposely and uniquely by God. I am unique in countless ways, including my personality, family, culture, gifts, talents, passions, and strengths. I am who I am because of these traits and also because of my past experiences, including where I lived, who has built into my life, what has hurt me, and what I’ve become passionate about.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14)

Because my doing-calling comes out of my being-calling, there are many ways that I can express who I am through God’s guidance and power to make a difference in this world for Him. Therefore, God might call me to do many different calling roles in my life. And in fact, He has! But every time my calling role changes, I continue to use and build skills that I've used in every other calling role. In fact, Christian author Tony Stoltzfus discovered that all of our different calling roles converge during the last third of our life in the Fulfillment Stage of our calling. Click here to read more about that.

My personal opinion is that we need not worry too much about missing something really important from God, if we are indeed trying to hear and follow Him. Of course, we'll make mistakes. But God is God. If He really wants us to hear something, He'll find ways to tell us. He doesn't play games with us, forcing us to jump through hoops in order to hear Him. 

Of course, sometimes God might want us to do something, and we hear him clearly, but we disobey. In the Bible, Jonah is a good example of that! But even then, God doesn't give up on us, and He keeps redeeming our calling. Of course, if we don’t obey His prompting, out of rebellion or weakness, serious consequences can result. But when we repent and come back to Him, He forgives, and He redeems our calling. David, Gideon, and Peter are great examples of that.

How to Keep Moving Forward

My main point today is that God is not limited just to one pathway for you to express who you are through your calling. Therefore, if you intentionally or accidentally miss what He tells you to be or do, you have not forever missed your calling.

I believe that God indeed called me—at different times in my life—to be a scientific researcher, a college chemistry professor, a pastor, and a Christian life coach. But even if I misunderstood what He called me to do, He kept me in His love and on call for Him. For example, in all of those roles I was a voracious learner, tireless researcher, effective teacher, fruitful minister, and inspiring encourager to hundreds of people. God will always work through who I am, so that I uniquely make a difference through His calling in this world, until He eventually calls me Home.

There are multiple ways to express your unique identity in Christ to be on purpose for Him. Even if you make mistakes—and you will—depend upon God to get you back on track. And even if you rebel against Him—and you will, perhaps in big ways—ask for His forgiveness, ask Him to transform you, keep going, and trust Him to redeem your future for His glory.

The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23)


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August 12, 2020
  • I thoroughly believed God had called me to be a Prophet of sorts to the American Church. By faith, I resigned my Pastoral position, sold all our belongings, purchased a van and travel trailer, when out of the blue, I fell into deep depression, clinical depression and was crushed. Thanks to having much support and daily counseling, God restored my mental health, but I was never the same. He brought me back to ministry as an Interim Pastor and then called me way across the country to team up with a former college at a local church.
    That ended after 3 years as the Church decided to take a different course. Then…..nothing, like a faucet had been turned off. I took whatever jobs I could find; teacher, carpenter’s helper, Census worker, salesman, office manager, flagger and security officer. I’m now on social security as my sole source of income and am 68 years old.

    Ive again become depressed, dejected, and bewildered as to what happened. Idol feel as though I’ll never fulfill my calling, maybe I never had a calling.

    • I truly empathize with your story, Larry. I also truly believe God has a calling for everyone who believes in Him. Many people, including Bible characters, have struggled many years, even decades, to find and fulfill their calling. The timing is longer for some, sometimes excruciatingly so. I don’t pretend to know God’s reasons for that. However, I encourage you to keep at it, as you seem to be doing. I don’t know you personally, so I have no specific advice. However, I believe you’ll find encouragement and help in the 100+ blogs God inspired me to write. To access those, go to the Blog menu at the top of this page. God bless you, my brother in Christ.

  • Thank you for this motivational post. I believe I missed God’s calling in many ways. For the past twenty years, I’ve been searching for God’s purpose about my life. I’ve led his people in many ways through political activism but equally, I’ve experienced a lot of hardships and everytime I encounter life challenges I rebel against God 😔. Sometimes I even feel like he doesn’t exist at all. Although there are people who are close to me who continue to encourage me to pray consistently and ask God to reveal my calling to me, I’m still battling in this regard.

    I’m glad I came across your blog today with different perspective👏🏽.

    • I’m so sorry you’ve struggled so much. God is still with you and for you, and I’m glad you have people in your life to keep encouraging you in those truths. I prayed for your strength and calling. Thank you so much for encouraging me, even in the midst of your own struggles. That says a lot about your perseverance and love for people. God bless!

  • Hi, I’m really inspired, I was thinking I missed my calling, but I’m encouraged. Thank you so much, God bless you In Jesus Name.

  • I praise the Lord for coming across your article because I’ve been, and frequently return to this question for decisions I’ve made in my life. It was really wonderful to come across your blog today, because I would dare to say with all respect to the Holy Spirit, that He led me here to see that I’m not the only one that finds himself in this situation. Blessings from Colombia, S.A. Jaime

    • I’m delighted, honored, and humbled that God spoke to you through my blog. He will similarly bless others through your calling, whatever it is. I’m convinced of that because that’s who He is! Best wishes for a blessed day!

  • Thank you so much for writing this article. I have recently realized that I missed a calling in my life 14 years ago! The disappointment in myself and devastation have been great burdens weighing on my spirit. I know now that God has been with me the whole time, is using me, and continues to have a calling on my life. Each day is new, each morning we are remade. This is why acceptance and repentance are important so we leave the old man behind and step into who God created us to be.

    • Thanks so much for your God-honoring testimony and your encouraging words. You are right! God redeems even our greatest mistakes and sins when we but ask. All praise and glory to Him!

  • Your writting was very encouraging to my life. Being a minister Im not exempt from missing the mark many times and times get hard I wonder if it’s a trial or I just deserve consequences for making mistakes. Thank you

  • This article really spoke to me. I recently have been struggling with feeling like I missed a call on my life where I let fear paralyze me from taking a step that I prayed about for over 4 years. I felt a prompting/calling over the last 4 years to pursue a women from my church who recently took another job out of state and that opened door slammed in my face. It’s an awful feeling to let down parents, loved ones, siblings, and even yourself down, but letting down the creator or the universe is about the worst feeling ever. I literally just read the book of Jonah last night so that part of this article really grabbed my attention and brought tears to my eyes. Praying that God reopens this door in my life. Thank you for the article. God bless.

    • I’m delighted God spoke to your heart through this blog. Thanks so much for letting me know. I prayed for God’s peace, joy, and fruitfulness in your future.

    • Hallelujah amen
      Am refreshed and encouraged by your wisdom.Yes,I have gone through a lot in my life, Sometimes I feel like God has Left me and out of my calling .Because of family battles I have faced for 10years.But today God has cleared my mind and I have that peace in my mind.
      My the blessings be upon you
      Phinias Chanda

      • I’m thankful you sense God’s peace now.
        “[God,] you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

  • Thanks so much for your blog as it was a real blessing, encouraging me in an area of my life that I have been struggling with for the past 3 years. Perhaps I missed hearing correctly from the Lord, or the other person whom I thought I was going to marry went their own way and became involved with someone else. I don’t know or understand or much less care at this point. God’s plan for my life is still plan A and not plan B. God is good and He is always faithful, no matter what. I also believe that God has various callings for our lives at different times, different places, different ways. We just need to constantly trust Him and give Him the ‘right of way’ to our lives in order to fulfill what He calls us to. I might also add, we are all called to the mission field, called into fellowship with Him (first and foremost) called to be a light in the world, called to His sufferings, called to become a member of the Body of Christ, God’s Bride!

    • Hallelujah, Stephen! God’s plan for you is never Plan B or C or D—but indeed is always Plan A! And yes, I fully agree with your list of priorities in this journey of loving and living with God. Thanks so much for your encouragement! God bless!

      • God’s blessings to you for your affirming comment! I did purchase the book you mentioned ” The Calling Journey: Mapping the Stages of a Leader’s Life Call” written by Tony Stoltzfus. Well worth the cost as much insight can be found in it. It gives a tremendous view of how the rough, unfinished side of a quilt (an individual’s life’s experiences), unrecognized and disorganized, suddenly takes on meaning and purpose when our Heavenly Father brings them all together and rolls the quilt over to the ‘finished’ side, revealing a beautiful tapestry (our lives and purpose) as He planned it from the beginning. I am planning on buying several copies of this book to give to a few friends who, I believe, will appreciate this message/book. I am 68 years young and feel like I am in the Fulfillment Phase of my life! God’s blessings on You!

        • Sounds exciting, Stephen! Thank you for the encouragement. I prayed for you for clarity, confidence, and courage as you find and fulfill your calling at this most exciting stage of life!

  • RJ. Outstanding blog about calling. Packed with informative info about how God uses every circumstance in my life to serve him and to use my passions, skills and decisions to create my unique calling journey. Your personal calling journey experiences outlined in the blog offered inspiring and interesting reading. Enjoyed this read!

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