You’ve probably heard of the fourth commandment in the list of Ten Commandments: “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”

But you might have wondered if this commandment is relevant or important in today’s world. Or was that just for Old Testament times? Why do Sabbath in today’s world? How? And by the way, can Sabbath really be fun?!

“To Sabbath” means “to cease work” or “to rest.”

Exodus 20:8-11 introduces Sabbath:
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it.

Seven practical tips for Sabbath:

1.  Remember the Sabbath day.

Schedule the Sabbath in your life, just as you schedule your work. God has built the need for weekly Sabbath rest and rejuvenation into the very fabric of human life.

2.  Do Sabbath one out of every seven days.

Work six days, rest one day. God built this rhythm into us. We need it, and it honors Him.

3.  The particular day doesn’t matter so much.

Old Testament Jews observed Sabbath on Saturday, because God rested after the six days of Creation, not because He was tired, but to celebrate His Creation. Today, Christians often observed Sabbath on Sunday, because Jesus’ resurrection on the first day of the week celebrated the New Creation.

The point is not which day you do Sabbath. Romans 14:5 says, “Some judge one day to be better than another, while others judge all days to be alike. Let all be fully convinced in their own minds.”

As Jesus said in Mark 2:27, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.”

So you can celebrate a Sabbath on any day of the week. I believe it is more important to observe God’s intent on the Sabbath instead of focusing on any particular day.

If you and I disagree about this issue, we’re both in good company. Faithful Christians and well-known theologians have disagreed about this topic for centuries, so we’re both in good company. This is one of many topics we can disagree about without dividing over.

If you’d like to read a long history about the Sabbath in Christianity, click this Wikipedia article.

4.  In Sabbath, you trust God, not yourself, for your needs.

When you work every day of the week, you are depending upon yourself to provide for yourself and get everything done for yourself.

But when you purposely set apart one day each week to rest, rejuvenate, and connect, you acknowledge your dependence upon God instead of yourself.

5. Be a witness to the world by observing Sabbath.

God says to keep the Sabbath day holy, and to hallow the Sabbath. “Holy” and “hallowed” mean “set apart.”

When you lay aside your work one day each week, you set yourself apart from the world’s values. You graphically show that your ultimate trust is in God, not in the world’s workaholic culture.

Therefore, you are a witness that gives glory to Him!

6.  Don’t be legalistic about Sabbath.

In Jesus’ day, the Pharisees had twisted the Sabbath into a legalistic nightmare with all of their rules.

But Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath’s original purpose by transforming it from a burden to a blessing.

So don’t get caught up in Sabbath rules–what you can or cannot do on the Sabbath. Instead, focus on honoring God, restoring your own soul, and loving others. He knows your heart, and He will honor your desire to honor Him.

Examples of what to do on the Sabbath:

  • Spend some extra time with God.
  • Spend time with family and friends.
  • Catch up on sleep, or just rest.
    Don’t do stuff that feels like labor, and avoid even errands, but without being legalistic. Meals, childcare, etc., might have to be done, but simplify them as much as you can on the Sabbath! The point is to set aside inward and outward striving, and to rest, rejuvenate, praise God, and trust Him to provide.
  • Have a great time doing the things you enjoy! “Rest” doesn’t mean “boredom”!
  • Invite God along for the fun!

7.  Reap the benefits!

Exodus 2:11 says the Sabbath day is “blessed,” which means it is full of good things.

It is amazing that when we take a day to rest and rejuvenate, we can get more done the other six days than we previously could not even do in seven!

But don’t let your motivation for doing Sabbath be to get more done! That would totally defeat the purpose!

The BIGGEST Sabbath blessing is your rock-solid internal confidence that God does indeed bless ALL of our days more fully when we honor Him by observing the ONE day of Sabbath rest!

What about you?

  • Why do you need Sabbath in your life?
  • What day of every week will be your Sabbath?
  • What are some things you might do on your Sabbath days?
  • How will you avoid making the Sabbath legalistic?
  • If you do not yet observe a weekly Sabbath, when will you start?
  • Who will hold you accountable for observing Sabbath?

Check out these books at Amazon:

Questions or comments about Sabbath?

Feel free to comment or ask questions below.

June 9, 2016
  • I really loved this blog on Burnout and was happy to see one of the healing process directed to the rest of the Sabbath, of which by God’s Grace have been practicing since I was young.l am currently at the pick of Burnout and have resigned from some of the responsibilities l have been assigned in my church. This blog has really helped me in introspection of my life and has brought an awareness as to what has pushed me this far ,however having said this l have found it difficult to choose the Sabbath from any other day as God in exodus has specifically endorsed Saturday Sabbath from the Jewish times, Christ also as God in human form observed it as He would attend worship in the synagogue teaching, And also resting in the grave on death observing the sabbath, l find it difficult to accept the part of choosing any other day to sabbath, God has clearly put it aside from the Decalogue till now, Thank you RJ for all the teaching on Christian coaching it’s really helping me only this part of choosing any day for sabbath is out for me.and please I encourage you to study much further and deeper on it . Not following the Pharisees legalistic angle and more truth on God’s word 🙏🏾 As to what God say about the day thank .l am Sabbath observing Christian 🌺

    • It’s great to hear from you again! 🙂

      I’m glad that my blog about burnout is helpful to you.

      I understand your difficulty with taking Sabbath on other days besides Sunday. Faithful Christians have disagreed about this topic throughout history, so we’re both in good company.

      I believe this is one of many theological topics we can disagree about without dividing. For example, in Mark 2:23-27, Jesus makes exceptions about observing the Sabbath because “the Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.” (New Living Translation)

      Below are a few biblical concepts related to the Sabbath:

      • The Bible says that the Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath.
      • The Sabbath is a day of rest from normal labor, expressing a commitment ultimately to trust God and not our works.
      • The Sabbath is a day of worship.
      • Jesus is the Maker and Lord of the Sabbath.

      I believe it’s more important to observe God’s intent on the Sabbath instead of focusing on any particular day.

      However, with that said, I realize there is plenty of biblical evidence the other way. So I do indeed appreciate and respect your view. Thank you for your email! I love it when people make me think about what I believe!

      Because of your comment, I added a few thoughts to the blog. Thank you for helping me make it better!

  • Brought back childhood memory of attending Sunday School and church (Papa was the organist and choir director). Arriving home we would nap 2 hours then enjoy family dinner together.
    Bless the Sabbath!

  • Brought back childhood memory of attending Sunday School and church (Papa was the organist and choir director). Arriving home we would nap 2 hours then enjoy family dinner together.
    Bless the Sabbath!

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