
Hi, I'm R.J. Scherba. As a Christian life coach, I help people find and fulfill their Christian calling, especially at age 50+

Below is my own Christian calling story, including 7 important Calling Lessons that I believe will help you find and fulfill your Christian calling.

Calling Lesson #1

For most people, calling roles change throughout life

I used to think that my Christian calling would be the one specific thing God calls me to DO in this world for Him. For many people it’s a career. For others, it’s another role, such as mother, father, volunteer, etc.

So I thought my calling was to make a difference in the world as a college chemistry professor while serving through my local church. I planned to be a professor until I retired, then I planned to do volunteer missions.

But then my roles at church became more rewarding and impactful than the professor gig. On Palm Sunday of 2003, I answered God’s strong call into vocational Christian ministry at my church.

Calling Lesson #2

Calling includes years of mountaintops and years of valleys

My transition from professor to pastor was agonizing. My character, skills, and life balance needed major overhauls before I could move forward. That process took three years! Only then did the church staff position become available.

Calling Lesson #3

Transitioning to the next major phase of calling requires significant risk

Did I mention that transitioning from college professor to church staff required an 80% pay cut?!

Calling Lesson #4

Mountaintops and valleys recur throughout a lifetime of calling!

My first years on the church staff were awesome! God changed lives through my leadership and teaching, and I grew phenomenally in my faith. 

But in 2011, personal and professional stress resulted in emergency hospitalization with classic symptoms of heart attack and stroke. Medical tests showed no physical damage, but in 2013, I resigned my church position because I was physically unable to do it anymore.

Two months before I resigned my church role, God prompted me at a Speak Up Conference to become a Christian life coach. During most of my adult life, God had worked through me to help people find and fulfill their calling. So I enrolled in training to do that as a career.

I immediately started getting coaching clients, some from my church, and some who found me on the Internet. And I loved it!

But I also missed the big impact of helping lots of people at once, and the larger influence of a church staff person. I wondered if the best years of my calling and ministry were behind me.

Furthermore, I regretted that my own moral failures, unbalanced time management, and wrong decisions had prompted God to give up on me with regard to calling.

Calling Lesson #5

Christians experience 4 mountaintops and 3 valleys during a lifetime

Then I read Tony Stoltzfus’ book, The Calling Journey. His research revealed a predictable series of mountaintops and valleys that Christians travel during a lifetime of calling. His research is backed by 35+ years of Christian coaching, plus the ups and downs of the lives of characters in the Bible.

In the mountaintops of calling, God develops skills and experiences.

In the valleys of calling, God develops character and identity.

What a relief to know that my valleys are NORMAL! I’m not a unique failure! And when I’m in a valley, I still have hope for the next mountaintop!

Calling Lesson #6

Calling is not just something you DO. Calling comes from your unique BEING.

Everyone makes big mistakes, and many people sin in ways that forever divert the direction of life and calling.

But our God is a God of redeeming grace. 

There is not just one path for the DOING part of calling. There are many ways that we can express our uniquely created BEING by serving God and the world.

So the good news is that it’s never too late for calling, no matter what your age, history, finances, or circumstances!

Stepping up to God's next-level phase of your calling requires stepping up to a next-level, transformational relationship with Him.

Calling Lesson #7

The best part of calling happens during the second half, or even the last quarter, of life!

Tony Stoltzfus’ research predicts that your time of biggest impact and fulfillment in your calling will be late in life. Tony calls this the Fulfillment Stage of your calling.

In your Fulfillment Stage, you’ll discover the sweet spot where your passions, experiences, and abilities combine to make the most difference in the world.

The Fulfillment Stage often involves mentoring, coaching, writing, or other activities that multiply your influence and legacy through other people, who will in turn will influence even more people for Christ, and on down the line.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." -1 Corinthians 2:9

If you are in a life calling valley at age 50+, I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute Discovery Call to find out how coaching with me can help. Be encouraged! Be confident! Your next mountaintop is ahead!

"As a life coach, R.J. exemplifies the same high level of spiritual maturity, quick mind, and commitment to excellence that she displayed on our staff. She is passionate about helping people find and follow their calling. When I was processing significant questions about my next season in ministry, I turned to R.J. and I’m so glad I did. The Lord used her coaching to bring me much-needed perspective on where I was and greater clarity on where I’m going. I’m delighted to recommend R.J. to you."

Dr. Steve Cordle

Schedule a FREE 30-minute Discovery Call

Find out more about coaching with R.J. to find and fulfill your NEW Christian Calling at age 50+. Connect via Phone or Zoom.

A Personal Note from R.J.

I was happily single until I married my amazing husband Ron in my late 40’s! We have two adult children and four grandchildren. I enjoy pickleball, jewelry-making, travel, bicycling, swimming, kayaking, and walking. I have been blessed to live in Tennessee, Indiana, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Ron and I currently enjoy the beautiful state of Florida!

At different times in my life, God blessed me with three rewarding careers: college professor, leadership pastor, and now Christian life coach and online course creator. I am a voracious reader, and I love to write. I am also a lifelong learner and an eternal optimist.

R.J.'s Vocational History

R.J.'s Education

Books Authored by R.J.

  • Clarity for Your Calling. Click here to get it in your email.
  • 7 Keys to Finding Your Divine Calling. Click here to get it in your email.
  • Experience Christmas: 30 Multimedia Christmas Devotionals. Click here for the Amazon Kindle book.
  • Group Leader Training 1. By R.J. Scherba. Written as part of the Equipping Track of Table Church (formerly Crossroads Church), Oakdale, PA 15021.
  • Group Leader Training 2. By R.J. Scherba. Written as part of the Equipping Track of Table Church (formerly Crossroads Church), Oakdale, PA 15021.
  • New Testament Overview. By R.J. Scherba. Written as part of the Equipping Track of Table Church (formerly Crossroads Church), Oakdale, PA 15021.
  • Old Testament Overview. By R.J. Scherba. Written as part of the Equipping Track of Table Church (formerly Crossroads Church), Oakdale, PA 15021.
  • Following Jesus. By Steve Cordle and R.J. Scherba. Written as part of the Equipping Track of Table Church (formerly Crossroads Church), Oakdale, PA 15021.
