Hi, my name is R.J. Scherba, and I’m a Christian life coach who specializes in helping people find and fulfill their Christian calling.

I invite you to join me for a FREE, 90-day, online-community-based, potentially transformational journey for gaining traction in your Christian calling and growing in Christ.

To sign-up, scroll to the red sign-up box at the bottom of this page.

What Is Challenge 44?

  • Each day for 30 days, I will email to you a blog about some aspect of finding and fulfilling your Christian calling.
  • These blogs will come from my experience of seven years of coaching my clients about Christian calling, twenty years of research about Christian calling, and fifty years of growing in Christ.
  • At the bottom of each blog, I'll invite you to comment, ask questions, interact, and ask questions with others who are doing the 30-day challenge.
  • I will invite your input about what topics you want me to blog about related to Christian calling and growing in Christ, what questions you want me to answer, etc.! And there’s even more after that! Just you wait! Keep reading!
  • I have named this journey Challenge 44, a name borrowed from Shane McLaugh at ThriveThemes.

What Will the Blogs Be About?

Every day for 30 days, you will receive a brand-new blog about finding and fulfilling your Christian calling, as shown below:

1. Rekindle Hope for Your Calling

  • Replace discouraging calling myths with God's truth.
  • See God's Big Picture for your calling, and identify your current calling stage.
  • Understand God's specific purposes for your current calling stage.

2. Become Who God Created You to Be

  • Learn how to experience God in transformationally new ways, no matter how old you are or how long you've been a Christian.
  • Hear, believe, and become who God says you are.

3. Do what God Created You to Do

  • Gain self-confidence for your calling.
  • Get God's clarity for your calling.
  • Take the next steps for your calling.
  • Bonus! Get specific encouragement and tools for your calling at age 50+

Why I'm Doing Challenge 44 in My Ministry

I believe that the next significant stage of my own Christian calling requires that I ramp-up my commitment and skills for writing quality materials that will help people find and fulfill their Christian calling.

God strongly impressed this upon me as I recently completed a course by Shane Mclaugh, CEO at ThriveThemes, entitled “Audience from Scratch.” This phenomenal online course is about building a strongly niched online audience for the purpose of growing a ministry, business, NPO, audience base for writing a book, etc.

Indeed, God used Shane’s course to change my life. As it turns out, the timing was perfect for me to complete the course, implement the main action step of Challenge 44, and move forward in my calling.

I became convinced that, in order to write top-notch materials, including books, to help people with their calling, I need to significantly ramp-up my writing skills, efficiency, and commitment.

Shane, drawing on years of learning and personal experience, explains that, if you want to become better at something, you need to do it every day. But in my case, the best way to do that isn’t necessarily to jump into a writing a book with a publication deadline way out in the future. It’s better to publish something every day for a significant period of time, improve JUST ONE THING each time, get feedback, and have the time pressure that forces me to become proficient.

I could spend months or years writing a book. But without the iterative cycle of write, publish, reflect, improved, and write again, I could end up with a long book, but barely grow in my writing skills. But when I enter that iterative cycle, my skills grow much more rapidly, until I’m good enough and efficient enough to write really good books and courses.

Why I'm Inviting You to Join Me in Challenge 44

  • I believe that you will learn a lot more about your own Christian calling and your growth in Christ at this time of your life.
  • I'll share my struggles and victories with you in calling and discipleship, and I'll invite you to share yours with me. We'll learn from one another.
  • We will all learn and grow in a targeted community of Christians who want to fulfill God’s purposes for our lives.


  • After 30 blogs in 30 days, I will transition into a second 30 days. So , instead of writing one blog each day, I will write one blog every three days. I will use the EXTRA time to write BETTER blogs—NOT NECESSARILY LONGER blogs, but BETTER ones—based on what I'm learning during Challenge 44.
  • After the second 30 days, I will transition into a third 30 days, when I will write one blog each week. So again, I’ll use the extra time to write BETTER blogs, NOT JUST LONGER ones, and again based on what I’m learning.
  • So that’s a total of 44 blogs: 30 blogs in 30 days, then 10 better blogs in 30 days, then 4 even better blogs in 30 days, for a total of 44 blogs in 90 days. 
  • Now you know where the title comes from, and why it's Challenge 44 instead of Challenge 30.
  • I'm convinced that we will all be amazed, surprised, and transformed by what God does in and through us!

And Here's the Best Part!

At the end of 44 blogs in 90 days, I believe that all of us—you and every other person on this journey—will have much more clarity, confidence and courage about our Christian calling, our uniquely created relationship with Jesus, and how to move forward.

I believe it will be transformational for us all. And of course, that will be because of God and to His ultimate glory!

Challenge 44 Will Not Be Easy! But It Will Be Worth It!

Challenge 44 will not be easy for me. Here are the guidelines for myself for Challenge 44:

  • I will limit myself to four hours during each of the 44 business days to write, publish, email, and post each blog on social media. This will require a tremendous amount of focus, perseverance, work, and flexibility when the unexpected happens.
  • I strongly believe in Sabbath and Sanity! Therefore, the 90 days of Challenge 44 will actually extend longer than 90 days.

Challenge 44 will not be easy for you either. If you sign up and become consistent with it, you’ll invest varying amounts of time doing the following:

  • Reading blogs
  • Talking with God about your calling and your relationship with Him
  • Taking action for moving forward in your Christian life and ministry
  • Encouraging and helping with one another online by commenting at the bottom of the blog page
  • But with all of that said, I want to be clear that I am not asking for any specific time commitment on your part. You can interact fully with all of the blogs, a few of them, or none of them. You can also unsubscribe from the emails at any time, no questions asked. So, no worries if you just want to sign up, try it, and see how it goes!

Challenge 44 will be worth it! 

We will all grow in Christ, and we will learn and take action steps toward our Christian calling.

God's Handwriting

This week, I read a devotional by Suzanne Felton, entitled “God’s Handwriting,” in The Upper Room. The devotional was based on the verse below:

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalm 19:1)

The author, even in this age of technology and virtual communication, still receives handwritten letters from friends and family. She knows, before she ever looks at the return address on the envelope or the signature at the bottom of the letter, who wrote it.

Suzanne writes, “My college friend’s handwriting is round and enthusiastic. My childhood friend’s handwriting is bold and flowery. My mother has the practiced handwriting of a teacher. Because I know them so well, I can recognize their handwriting anywhere.”

Suzanne also says, “God’s creation and work in our lives also bear an unmistakable mark."

And this: "My friends’ handwriting is familiar to me because I know them so well. And the better we come to know God…the more we can recognize God’s handiwork in the world and in our lives.”

How Do You Currently See God's Handwriting in Your Christian Calling?

How has God brought you to where you are right now in your calling? How is He preparing you for your future calling?

If you yearn to discover and act upon what God wants to do next in your Christian calling, I invite you to join Challenge 44 by signing up below.

Sign Up for Challenge 44

> Take the 90-Day journey

> Get traction for your Christian calling

> Grow in your relationship with Christ

> Encourage one another in community

Under "Leave a Reply" below, feel free to encourage, comment, suggest blog topics, ask questions, etc. 

July 3, 2020
  • RJ – I am excited to participate along side you in this Challenge. Your desire to learn and continually improve your skills is admirable. And, your ability to seek and follow God’s lead and prompting – even when it may seem like a “time out” or a “pause” in your plans – is a great example for me to learn from and follow throughout my Calling Journey . I am praying for God to be at the center of your plans and work during Challenge 44!

    • Thank you, Paula! I very much appreciate your encouragement and your prayers. I’m also praying that what I write will encourage and help you. Let me know anytime you have ideas for blog topics that would help you. God bless!

  • One idea I have is for an article on how it feels to be living in Your Calling. What the reward feels like. Not so much advice on how to get there, but just a honest description of what it is like living a life that is in Fulfillment. This would be encouraging to others in a sense of what they can look forward to as they continue to press into Jesus as they walk through the Valley’s.

    • Great idea, Tammy! I’ll work on that! Thanks so much for the feedback. Keep it coming. Stay tuned!

  • I am so excited, RJ! You inspire me so much already! I can’t wait to see what God has for you…as well as me….in this Challenge! I will be praying with and for you throughout the Challenge. Thank you for inviting me!

    • Thank you, Tammy! It will be great to have you on the journey with me! Please do let me know of any topics or questions you’d like for me to address, especially related to Christian calling, growing in Jesus, etc.

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