God recently renewed my confidence and energy through a humorous and unlikely incident at the doctor’s office. I pray that He will do the same for you!

Saber-Toothed Tigers at the Doctor’s Office

My husband Ron’s dedicated and personable endocrinologist leaned toward us during Ron’s recent routine diabetic check-up. I could tell by the twinkle in the doctor's brown eyes, shining above his masked salt-and-pepper beard, that he was about to answer our medical question with one of his humorous and folksy stories.

Almost every morning, between the time Ron gets out of bed and the time he eats breakfast, his blood sugar shoots up 80 points. That doesn’t make any sense to us, because blood sugar usually increases only when Ron eats carbohydrates.

The doctor, chuckling in his endearing way, explained to Ron: “Here’s what’s happening. Your body thinks that just getting out of bed each morning is a threat! So your pancreas releases the hormone glucagon. That signals your liver to release sugar into your bloodstream. And that is so you can fight all of the saber-toothed tigers you’re likely to encounter today!”

Even now, more than a week after that doctor’s visit, whenever Ron’s blood-sugar levels rise for no apparent reason, we chuckle and chalk it up to the saber-toothed tigers!

My Saber-Toothed Tiger

A few days after our visit with Ron's endocrinologist, I took my cup of hot tea into my home office, powered up my computer, and opened my password-protected journal, ready to talk with God:

God: Good morning, my child! What’s on your mind and heart today?

Me: I know you’ve called me to blog every week, so that people grow in you and fulfill their Christian calling. And I love doing that! But more days than not, I really struggle to come up with good topics and develop them efficiently and well. Like yesterday. I worked on a blog for hours, but I eventually scrapped it. Now, here I am today, staring again at a blank computer screen. I need a blog idea!

God: This is not one of those times that I will give you an answer. You need to wrestle out, develop, and write a blog topic yourself. That is your “saber-toothed tiger” today!

(I smiled, and my spirit immediately brightened. I chuckled, remembering the light-hearted banter with the doctor and my husband. My heavenly Father knows I love rising to a challenge, and He also knows I love nature.)

Me: Thank you for knowing me so well! I already feel better—I feel lighter, encouraged, and more hopeful! … What else about the saber-toothed tiger?

God: Just like Ron's doctor said: You need to fight your saber-toothed tigers every day. Christian life and calling are fulfilled by doing—day in and day out—what you know to do. In your case, coaching, writing, and getting better at both, while staying in conversation with me. As you do these daily things, I will fulfill your life and calling.

Me: Hmm … So … Saber-toothed tiger! … You just now gave me the idea for my next blog! It’ll start with Ron's doctor's saber-toothed-tiger story! Thank you!

God: You missed my point. 🙂 I did not give you that blog idea.

Me: Huh? I didn’t expect you to say that.

God: Hear me. I did not give you the idea to blog about the saber-toothed tiger. You persevered, and you came up with that idea on your own. Often, I won’t “give you the answers,” because I want you to grow and flourish. When you persevere—like a bulldog with a bone—you grow strong, and you gain the confidence to do what I’ve called you to do.

Me: Cool!

Click here for more info about how to have back-and-forth conversations with God.

Click here for more info about journaling as a way to grow in Christ.

Main Point About Perseverance

Here’s what God said to me at the end of my conversation with Him:

God: Persevere in the life and calling I have given you. Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. Keep trying. Don’t give up. Do what you know you need to do every day, abiding in my grace. I am always with you and for you. Be a bulldog! A good bulldog will wear down saber-toothed tigers every time! 🙂

Bible Verses About Perseverance

>  The Lord said, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

>  Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

>  Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4)

Quotes About Perseverance

>  “The biggest oak was once a little nut that held its ground.” (Anonymous)

>  “A bend in the road is not the end of the road—unless you fail to make the turn.” (Helen Keller)

>  “Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.” (Julie Andrews)

>  “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrificing, and loving what you’re doing.” (Pele)

>  “Perseverance is not a long race. It is many short races one after another. (Walter Elliott)

> “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving forward.” (Martin Luther King)

> “At the timberline where the storms strike with the most fury, there the sturdiest trees prevail.” (Hudson Taylor)

What About You?

Consider again what God said to me about perseverance:

God: Persevere in the life and calling I have given you. Don’t compare yourself with anyone else. Keep trying. Don’t give up. Do what you know you need to do every day, abiding in my grace. I am always with you and for you. Be a bulldog! A good bulldog will wear down saber-toothed tigers every time! 🙂

Ask God these questions:

1. God, what difference would greater perseverance—in your joy and grace—make in my Christian life and calling? What difference would it make in my joy, confidence, courage, and fruitfulness?

2. God, what daily habits and attitudes hinder my perseverance in my Christian life and calling?

3.  God, what new daily habits and attitudes do you want me to start, so that I persevere more consistently toward joy and fruitfulness in my Christian life and calling? Click here for how to start and stick new habits.

4.  God, what do you want to say to me through the Bible verses above?

5.  God, what do you want to say to me through the quotes above, and through the rest of this blog?


*  Please share your comments, questions, encouragement, etc., below.

*  Below, please let me know what topics you’d like for me to write about in future blogs.

*  Please share this blog on social media or via email. Just use the share buttons at the side or bottom of your screen.

December 15, 2020
  • Thank you for this article today! I loved the Tiger story at the doctors office. I have been struggling
    with many things and have been giving into “Woe is me” feelings. Your words have encouraged me
    to press into what God has called me to and persevere. I needed these words today. God Bless you
    big time.

    • Thank you, Shirley! I really appreciate your feedback. And I’m delighted that you heard God’s encouragement today. He is indeed good … all the time.

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