Do you yearn to find your divine calling, but you have no idea how to start? What is “divine calling” anyway? Does every Christian have a divine calling, or is that just for pastors and missionaries? Does divine calling stay the same throughout life, or can it change? How can you find your divine calling?
Most people think that divine calling is what God calls us to DO. But divine calling is FIRST about WHO YOU ARE, and only SECOND about WHAT YOU DO!
When are you MOST FULLY YOU?! What have you always enjoyed, even as a child?
My husband and I recently visited the National Museum of the US Air Force, in Dayton, OH. He took a picture of me in a spacesuit at the kids’ exhibit! Being an astronaut always intrigued me when I was a kid. It still does! And although I’ve never piloted a Space Shuttle, I do know that Adventure is one of my top values. So my divine calling always includes a life of adventure!
There are three kinds of Divine Calling:
1. God’s UNIVERSAL CALL to all people for salvation:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16
Divine calling begins when you ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and you give control of your life to Him.
2. God’s GENERAL CALL to all Christians to love Him and love other people:
[Jesus] answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.” – Luke 10:27
God calls all of His people to love Him and others. As we do that, we become more and more like Jesus.
3. God’s SPECIFIC CALL to every Christian to fulfill his or her uniquely designed purpose:
It is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. – Ephesians 1:11
This Bible verse shows that divine calling is FIRST about WHO YOU ARE, and only SECOND about WHAT YOU DO! God created you as a “human being,” and not primarily as a “human doing”! FIRST you are God’s child, and SECOND you are God’s servant, not the other way around! When you know and celebrate who God made you to be, you will more fully discover and live your divine calling!
Some people believe that clergy are divinely called and laypersons are not, and others believe that clergy have a higher calling than laypeople. I respect that opinion, but I do not see much biblical evidence for it.
EVERY CHRISTIAN is called to hear and obey Jesus, and that is the essence of divine calling!We are not saved just so that we can go to heaven! We are also saved so that we can make an eternal difference for Jesus here on earth!
The part of divine calling that is about WHO YOU ARE probably will not change much.
Jesus calls all of us to be like Him, i.e. to love, serve, sacrifice, give, have joy, etc. But you will do those things DIFFERENTLY than any other child of God, because you are uniquely created!
But the part of divine calling that is about WHAT YOU DO may change many times throughout your life!
Each stage of life has its challenges and opportunities! God often transforms our biggest struggles into our greatest contributions! You might not yet be able to do what you want to do. Or you may no longer be able to do what you used to do. But God still calls you for His purpose and fulfillment, RIGHT NOW, no matter what your age, health, life stage, or financial situation!
When you find and follow your divine calling, the rewards will be phenomenal personal growth, amazing faith in God, great adventure beyond your wildest imagination, and God-inspired impact for eternity!
1. Ask God what your divine calling is.
Set aside time to pray about your divine calling. This may seem obvious, but prayer is so easily crowded out of our daily schedules.
Consider doing a personal spiritual retreat. For some tips about how to do that, see my free ebook 7 Keys to Finding Your Divine Calling.
2. Discover who you are and how God made you.
Of course, God your Creator is the best authority on who you are! But human tools are very helpful too. For some tips, see my free ebook 7 Keys to Finding Your Divine Calling.
3. Prayerfully ask mature Christians who know you well, how they see God working in your life.
Divine calling is discovered and lived in community with other believers! Something as important as divine calling will at times be difficult. Your brothers and sisters in Christ would love to help you stay encouraged and on track! Get into a small group!
4. Download my free ebook, 7 Keys to Finding Your Divine Calling.(You’ll also receive my free weekly blog about finding and fulfilling your divine calling.)
I believe God called me to write this book, and I believe God will speak to you through it. In this short book, you will learn much more about how to discover more about how God created you, and how to do a personal spiritual retreat that focuses on divine calling. You will also discover many additional practical tools for finding your divine calling. Click here to download the ebook and sign up for the blog.
What is your one next step in fulfilling your Divine Calling?
Feel free to comment or ask questions below.
This is very insightful
Thank you 🙏
More Grace
Thank you, Kemi!
Your material is helpful and very encouraging! Please pray for me as I continue to seek God on how to fulfill a call to evangelize! I think I need to start in the market place, as I work full-time.
Thank you so much!!
Hello, Joseph! I’m thankful that my blogs encourage you. I did indeed thank God for your calling to evangelize, and I prayed for your God-inspired wisdom for how to do that. By the way, I just added a new page to my website that organizes the blogs about Christian calling. You can find it in the website menu under “Find Your Calling,” or go to this url:
But I didn’t finish my school yet I working as a sales & marketing. I still want to know more how to fulfilled? Please pray for me
Hi, Jolin! I’m excited that God has put a dream in your heart! I did indeed pray for you. Here’s another blog that might help you as you actively wait for God to fulfill your dream: Thank you for your comment! God bless!
Well I received a dream his divine calling is counseling
Can God call you for his evangelical work by frustrating any other thing you do.
Without knowing your situation, I would say God could do that. The question is whether He is doing that in your particular situation. Would you like to say more about what triggered the question?
Please can one have more than one divine call?
I do so many things in the ministry, and I do them with passion too. Also whenever I do these things too an excellent result is achieved.
Or does it mean I don’t have any divine calling?
Hello, Gbeve. Absolutely, God calls most people to do more than one thing at once, and those things can even be different at different times in your life. That’s why it’s important to try lots of things as God leads, and God will bless them all. As you get older, certain things will become more and more prominent. You’ll discover you are better at some things than others, and that you are more passionate about some things than others. In older life is when you find the “sweet spot” of your calling.
I have so much passion for the twaching ministry. My greatest concern now is how i can advanve in it. What can i do?.
Hello, Jerry! Since I don’t know you or your situation personally, it’s difficult to say for sure. In general, people with the gift of teaching start in their own churches, teaching a class, sometimes apprenticing with experienced teachers. If you already have experience and knowledge, take the one step you think God might be prompting you to do next, even if you don’t see how that will help or where it will lead. God usually reveals our calling only one step at a time, and when we follow Him in that one step, the next step becomes clear, etc. Does that help?
I have entered into a teaching ministry. the church is saying it is my call. but I’m not sure ,I’m praying God to reveal my call. pray for me.
I apologize for taking so long to reply. I thought I had replied already, but I forgot to hit the Send button! Should I call you Siko or Khea? I am indeed praying for you, so please let me know how it goes. God certainly does speak through others, but He also speaks directly to you. Sometimes, when you don’t hear an answer from Him either way, it could mean He is okay with whatever decision you make. He often gives us that freedom, because He wants us to grow and get confidence in ourselves, so that we develop the courage and strength to become all He wants us to be. How does that sound?