Challenge 44. Blog 35

What if God has given you a wonderful dream—something you believe He’s called you to do, and you really do want to do it—but it’s not happening, probably because it’s not yet God’s timing? What can you do to stay motivated and moving toward your dream?

Why You’re Waiting for Your Dream

Did you ever notice that, whenever God gave people dreams in the Bible, they had to wait a long time for God to fulfill the dreams? Joseph waited 13 years for God to fulfill his dream of becoming a ruler in Egypt. David waited more than 20 years after his anointing to actually become king. Abraham waited 25 years for God’s promised son through Sarah. Joshua waited 40 years for God to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Even Jesus Himself waited 30 years before beginning His earthly ministry.

Why does God give us exciting dreams only to make us wait—often years or sometimes decades—for the dreams’ fulfillment?

Since 2013, as I’ve coached dozens of people stuck in what Tony Stoltzfus calls a Christian calling valley, I’ve discovered four almost-universal reasons that God makes us wait for the fulfillment of the dreams He’s put in our hearts.

Four Purposes of a Christian Calling Valley:
1. Refresh your relationship with God.
2. Gain confidence in yourself.
3. Get clarity about your dream.
4. Build courage for your dream.

Does the sequence of these purposes of a Christian calling valley surprise you?
You’re probably not surprised that God’s first purpose in a Christian calling valley is to refresh your relationship with Him.

But the sequence of the last three of God’s purposes in a calling valley might make you scratch your head in confusion. Shouldn’t clarity about Calling come before confidence about your calling, and then be followed by courage to do your calling?

I thought so too.

But as I coached my clients around Christian calling, and as I reviewed ten years of my own journaling about one of my valleys, I realized that the 3 Cs actually start developing in this order: confidence first, clarity second, and courage third.

Here’s why. And here’s why it’s significant.

In a calling valley, God’s main focus is not on getting things done, but on growing you, first for deeper relationship with Him, and then second for actually doing your calling. Calling valleys are not primarily about what God wants you to do, but about who He wants you to become. That’s a much bigger, exciting, and fulfilling goal. And it will enable you to do your calling—to fulfill your dream!

Therefore, in a calling valley, God grows your confidence first—not because you already have clarity about what to do and how to do it—but because He wants you grow into who you are and your new relationship with Him. God grows clarity second—not for accomplishing goals, because that is not yet His purpose—but for becoming who He uniquely created you to be. God grows courage third, for trusting Him and acting upon that trust to become who He created you to be, and out of that newly discovered identity to do what He created you to do.

What’s Ahead for Your Dream

According to Tony Stoltzfus’ research, including 35+ years of coaching people for Christian calling, as well as in-depth studies of Bible characters, most people experience three major Christian calling valleys, each one lasting 2-10 years or more. If you’re currently in a Christian calling valley, you know how awful it feels. In a calling valley, you feel stuck, confused, anxious, and fearful. You wonder if you’ve forever missed your dream, and you fear that it’s too late for you.

But as Tony Stolzfus discovered, God strengthens and prepares us in the calling valleys for fulfillment on the mountaintops of our calling. And that’s what’s ahead for your dream! (Click here for a blog about mountaintops and valleys in your Christian calling.)

In fact, the older you are, and the longer you have been following Christ, the more your next mountaintop will fit who He has uniquely created you to be and do. The sweet spot of Christian calling indeed comes after the age of 50, 60, or even 70 or 80! (Click here for a blog about Christian calling after age 50.)

But what can you do now, in this Christian calling valley, to keep moving toward God’s dream and calling for your life?

8 Ways to Keep Moving Forward While Waiting for Your Dream

Below, in bold font, are 8 ways to grow toward God’s 4 purposes in preparation for your dream.

Refresh your relationship with God

In a Christian calling valley, God awakens your need for a more personal, deeper relationship with Him. He wants you to discover and experiment with unique ways to be in relationship with Him—so that your relationship with Him becomes more important to you than success in your calling. Near the end of your Christian calling valley, your relationship with God will become more uniquely personal, especially if you are in the Valley of Identity.

The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. (Exodus 33:11)

1. Shake up your time with God.

Gary Thomas identified 9 general ways that Christians relate to God, based on 9 spiritual temperaments. He published His work in the book, Sacred Pathways. Click here for a blog about fresh ways to connect with Jesus.

2. Talk conversationally with God about your hopes and dreams.

Tony Stoltzfus, in his book Questions for Jesus, teaches the biblical background and practical applications of having real-time, back-and-forth conversations with God. Click here for a blog about having real-time, back-and-forth conversations with God.

Gain self-confidence

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13-14)

In a Christian calling valley, your confidence in what you do in your calling—and even in who you are—sinks to an all-time low. As you experiment and grow in your new relationship with God, you begin to gain confidence and appreciation from God’s perspective about who you are, but not so much yet about what God wants you to do in your calling. Near the end of your Christian calling valley, your confidence and appreciation for who you are will continue to grow. You’ll also gain confidence that you can successfully do whatever God wants you to do in the next stage of your calling. Click here for a blog about Christian self-confidence.

3. Discover more about who God has uniquely created you to be.

You can discover that what other people might see as your quirks or weaknesses are actually strengths that will delight you and others because of your unique identity. And you’ll also see yourself through God's eyes. Click here to take the free 16 Personalities online evaluation. Ask God to help you see yourself through His eyes.

4. Do more things that inspire you, and have fun being you.

What inspires you? What revives your hope in your dreams? Certain kinds of books or movies? Being outside in nature? Certain kinds of music? Hanging around certain people? Something else? Intentionally stay inspired and have fun, especially during a difficult Christian calling valley. Then you will grow in confidence to become who God created you to be and do what He created you to do. Click here for a blog about how your hobbies fuel your Christian life and calling.

Get clarity about your dream

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

In a Christian calling valley, clarity for who to be and what to do in your calling tanks. In fact, it might feel like you will never have clarity ever again. But later, you’ll regain clarity and appreciation for who you are.

5. Sharpen your skills.

While you wait for God’s timing for your dream, sharpen your skills for your dream. Practice them frequently. Find resources that will help you do them better, such as books, YouTube videos, podcasts, online or in-person conferences, etc. These resources will also strengthen your dream.

6. Just keep taking the next right step.

Even if you don’t know how in the world God will ever bring your dream to fruition, just take the one right next step, even if it’s a small one. In a Christian calling valley, God often reveals just one seemingly small step at a time, after which He reveals another step, and then another, etc. Click here for a short blog about taking that one next right step.

Build courage for your dream

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

In a Christian calling valley, courage all but disappears. But as your Christian calling valley progresses, courage increases. Newfound courage is born from your newly personal relationship with God, and in your new confidence in who you are and what you do best.

7. Share your dream and your journey with a trusted Christian friend.

Take the bold and courageous step of sharing your dream with a trusted Christian friend. Ask him or her to pray for you and encourage you in your dream, and periodically tell your friend how your dream is going. Who knows, you might even give your friend the courage to step forward into God’s dream for your friend! Click here for a blog about how to ask someone to encourage you in your Christian calling.

8. Act in spite of your fear.

“Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to act in spite of the fear.” (anonymous author)

This blog contains more than the usual number of steps and links for additional resources.

If God has prompted you to take some of the steps or check out the links for additional resources, I pray you will do so, even if it seems uncomfortable or even scary. God will increase your courage as you step forward in faith and obedience.

Example: My Current Dream

In my past, God fulfilled three major dreams for my Christian calling. He allowed me to serve Him in my roles as a college chemistry professor, a pastor specializing in leadership and discipleship, and a Christian life coach specializing in helping people find and fulfill their Christian calling.

Below, highlighted in bold font, is my current dream. Also below, highlighted in bold font, are 8 ways I am growing toward God’s 4 purposes while I wait for my dream.

My current story is an example of how to apply the concepts in this blog to your own God-given dream.

My current dream: Help thousands of people discover who they are and what they are created to do, within the context of a uniquely intimate relationship with Him. I believe He will accomplish that purpose as I write blogs, courses, and books.

I am refreshing my relationship with God

1. I am shaking up my time with God.

Like most people, I have more than one “spiritual temperament.” I connect with God best through my mind, through contemplation and journaling, and through nature. Mixing these up keeps my life with God fresh and engaging.

2. I am talking conversationally with God about my hopes and dreams.

I journal almost daily my conversations with God. We talk about much more than just my hopes and dreams. Such a personal relationship with God fuels me when my calling inevitably gets difficult.

I am growing in self-confidence

3. I am discovering more about who God has created me to be.

My personality type is ENTJ. People with this personality type are “decisive people who love momentum and accomplishment. They gather information to construct their creative visions but rarely hesitate for long before acting on them.” In the past, I’ve been embarrassed to be a geek, but now I value that!

4. I am doing more things that inspire me, and I am having fun being me.

I regularly read inspiring books and watch inspiring movies. And I regularly schedule other fun hobbies, including walking with my hubby and cardio drumming.

I am getting more clarity about my dream

5. I am sharpening my skills.

You are currently reading the 35th of 44 blogs in my Challenge 44. I wrote one blog every business day for 30 days. I am currently writing one blog every three business days for 30 business days, with different objectives than the first 30 days. During the last 30 business days of Challenge 44, I plan to write one blog every week for 4 weeks, again with different learning objectives. I am learning so much about myself, writing, and my calling!

6. I keep taking the next right step.

My most recent next right steps were re-designing my website, writing my free ebook for the new website (click here to get it), and doing Challenge 44.

I am building courage for my dream

7. I am sharing my dream and my journey with a trusted Christian friend.

My husband is my best dream-sharer. I am also sharing my dream with a few additional trusted friends. And now—gulp—I am sharing my dream with you!

8. I am acting in spite of my fear.

Yes, I do often wonder what people think when I share my struggles and weaknesses in my blogs. But I believe that’s part of what makes my writing impactful. So I’ll keep doing it!

What About Your Dream?

Prayerfully go through the "8 Ways to Keep Moving Forward While You Wait for Your Dream," using the links for additional resources.

What did you discover?


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September 15, 2020
  • RJ – This Blog and your writing style offer encouragement and a great road map to “stay on course” while waiting on God’s timing. Your references to other writers, your personal story, and the links provide good information for those of us living in and working through a valley in our calling journey. Your emphasis and explanations about “being” vs “doing” when working through a calling valley are clearly explained and helpful in realizing the why/need to navigate through the valleys as part of the process toward achieving our dreams and fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. Great job RJ!

    • Thank you, Paula! I appreciate your very specific feedback! Sometimes I wonder if I’m going overboard on supplementary content—and some people might indeed think so—but it’s great to know that my sometimes-detailed blogging helps at least some of my audience. 🙂 God bless!

  • Thank you so much for sharing. I have felt that my dreams must not have been where I am going, mistaken, not listening correctly. Thank you for sharing on the web, this has been just what I needed at this time in my life.
    God Bless

    • Shirley, thank you for your encouraging feedback! I’m so thankful that what I shared is helpful to you. To God be the glory! God bless!

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