Prayer and fasting often preceded God’s mightiest wonders in the Bible, the early church, modern Christian denominations, and individual Christians worldwide.

Jesus assumed that His followers would fast.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:16, “WHEN you fast…” not “IF you fast.”

We do not know how fasting “works” in the spiritual realm. Fasting is certainly not a way to get God to do what we want. It is not even something we must do to get God’s good gifts.

But the fact is that God works mightily through fasting, especially against the evil forces of the enemy.

Fasting is a prayer amplifier. Jesus even said that some things will not happen except through fasting: But this kind of demon won’t leave except by prayer and fasting – Matt. 17:21

Personal experiences of many modern-day Christians verifies that God does his mightiest works through prayer and fasting. 

My own current habit of fasting twice each month is a primary source of sustained guidance, strength, joy, and confidence from God. My longest fast was for two weeks (taking only water and fruit juice), and I have also done several one-week juice-fasts.

Here are some of the things God did through my own prayer and fasting:

•  Strong and specific direction when I had no idea what to do

•  Complete change of heart when I couldn’t change myself

•  Physical and spiritual healing for myself and others

•  Over-the-top spiritual transformation for hundreds of people at retreats I have led

•  Tremendous breakthroughs for my coaching clients

•  One of my fasts even prompted me to get married!

What would happen if more of Jesus’ followers prayed and fasted? What if YOU did?


•  Fast for spiritual reasons, not primarily for weight loss.

This kind of fasting is going without food for a spiritual purpose. Weight loss is not be a significant motivator. Abstaining from food in order to lose weight is dieting, not fasting!

•  Ask God why He might want you to fast.

Your first fast will probably be because you need God’s help for a specific need, such as your life calling or direction, a difficult challenge or sin, physical or emotional healing, etc.

After your first experiences with fasting, God might prompt you to fast regularly, such as weekly or monthly or quarterly, for ongoing growth and effectiveness.

•  Don’t draw the wrong kind of attention to your fasting.

Jesus cautioned against trying to appear super-spiritual. In Matthew 6:16, He said, “When you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get.”

•  Consider humbly sharing your fasting experience to inspire someone else.

Matthew 6:16 does not mean that you should never talk about your fasting. I believe that is a deception of Satan, so that we won’t encourage one another to fast! It all depends on your motive. If your motive is to get praise, then shut up! But if your motive is so that others will be inspired to fast too, then humbly but boldly go for it!

•  Drink plenty of water.

Regardless of the type or length of your fast, drink plenty of water. Sure, Jesus and a few others in the Bible ate and drank nothing for 40 days, but that was via supernatural intervention.

•  Consider medical limitations.

Ask your doctor before you fast, especially if you have a chronic illness or take medications.

Diabetics and others can often do a modified Daniel fast, which is described below.

Don’t food-fast if you have ever struggled with eating disorders. Instead of abstaining or modifying your food intake, create time and heart-space for God by temporarily abstaining from something else, such as television, social time, social media, etc.

•  Decide on the length of the fast.

You might start by fasting one meal. Do your usual devotional at your normal time. Then add extra time with God during your normal mealtimes.

My most common type of fast is to eat nothing from the time I get up until the evening meal. I have my usual devotional time after I get up. Then I have two extra times for God that day: breakfast time and lunchtime. Sometimes I spend the entire time alone with God.

God might prompt you to fast for an entire day, several days, or even one or two weeks. Bill Bright, former leader of Campus Crusade for Christ, did annual 40-day fasts.

For additional help with fasting, including info about long fasts, click here.

•  Decide on the type of fast.

The simplest kind of fast is to eat nothing, but drink plenty of water, or drink only water and fruit juice. This kind of fast frees up the most time for God.

Another kind of fast is a Daniel fast (based on Daniel 1). You would eat only vegetables, or add legumes, or bread if carbs are needed to prevent low blood-glucose levels. If a Daniel fast becomes too complex, though, it detracts from the purpose of freeing up more time for God. In that case, it might be best to abstain from something other than food, as discussed above.


•  Consider setting aside a whole day or most of an entire day to fast.

Consider occasionally spending a day, or most of a day, away from your usual surroundings, alone with God. For tips about how to do that, click here for my blog about “How to Do a Personal Spiritual Retreat.”

•  But it’s not essential to set aside an entire day to fast.

It’s not necessary to always set aside a whole day alone with God. Just follow however God is leading you.

If you work while fasting, just meet with God during your normal devotional time for that day, and during the times that you would normally eat meals. Be alert to God’s promptings throughout the day, and trust that He is working through your fast, even while you are working at your job!

•  Stay flexible with your time with God on your fasting day.

During your time with God while you’re fasting, do some of the same things you would do on a Personal Spiritual Retreat. click here for my blog about “How to Do a Personal Spiritual Retreat.” Hold your plans in open hands, and be willing for God to change your plans for His purposes.

•  Here’s what to do when you feel hungry.

… ask God to give you more hunger for Him!

… remember that God’s supernatural power is working through your fasting!

… pray for anything and anyone that He brings to mind!

… remember or write down any direction you sense from Him!

… remember God’s many blessings, and give thanks and praise to Him!


Fasting is not an obligatory drudge that God requires of us. It is a divine portal to phenomenal growth and power for our lives and His Kingdom!

When you fast, expect God to meet you. Expect Him to transform you. Expect Him to do great things in and through you! Expect our Lord’s miracles! The same God who raised Jesus from the dead is alive and active in your life today!

Many, Lord my God,
are the wonders you have done,
the things you planned for us.
None can compare with you;
were I to speak and tell of your deeds,
they would be too many to declare. – Psalm 40:5


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. – Matthew 5:6

March 5, 2015
  • Perfect timing. I remember my first 24 hour fast. It was on a Wednesday with the Small Group Leaders of our church. Thank you RJ for the reminder of why and how to fast. I’m discovering my spiritual routines in my new location. Thankful for how God uses you and others to show me the way.

  • Perfect timing. I remember my first 24 hour fast. It was on a Wednesday with the Small Group Leaders of our church. Thank you RJ for the reminder of why and how to fast. I’m discovering my spiritual routines in my new location. Thankful for how God uses you and others to show me the way.

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